Modification of TCEC-PGN-files in Notepad++ for Aquarium and Scid vs. PC

external link:

development versions

the latest versions of Stockfish

internal links:


move and position evaluations including engine WDL analyses and interactive form


analysis programme for generation of PGN files with engine variations and evaluating them using extensive data

keyboard layout for chess annotation

with special symbols in Windows programs via AutoHotkey script

[Update from 23 October 2019]

for the purpose of:

Download manual for the TCEC-PGN-files of various chess tournaments and games:

By the way, the following self-explanatory links work too:

The TCEC-PGN-files must be opened in Notepad++ and modified as follows:

The following abbreviations are used in the move annotations:

Quantity abbreviations:

In the replacement text, in particular the abbreviations and the English figure names (K Q R B N) can be changed at will.

Information about the material balance has been omitted as it is graphically represented by both chess GUIs.

The program Notepad++ can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet.

Technical information on the regular expressions used:

Special information for Aquarium:

Special information for Scid vs. PC:

Mistakes are there to be made, and the author of these lines is a doer. In this sense:



Ende Gelände ♦ Aus die Maus ♦ Schicht im Schacht ♦ Klappe zu - Affe tot

So long ♦ See You Later, Alligator - In A While, Crocodile ♦ Over And Out